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Mining Conflict in Cordillera del Cóndor | Acción Ecológica, Ecuador
Manta-Manaos Mega-project | Acción Ecológica, Ecuador
Campania Waste Crisis | A Sud, Italy
High Speed Train Conflict (TAV) | A SUD, Italy
Local Governance and Environment Investments | CSE, India
Participatory Forest Management | CSE, India
Nautical Tourism Impacts | SUNCE, Croatia
Djerdap National Park and Local Communities | Endemit, Serbia
Deforestation and REDD Measures in the Amazon | REBRAF, Brazil
Forestry and Communities in Cameroon | CeD-FOE, Cameroon
Environmental Justice / Ecological Debt in Belgium | VODO, Belgium (Flanders)
Aid, Social Metabolism and Social Conflict in India | IFF-UKL, Austria


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1. Origins

2. Scope

3. Disputes on Value Standards

4. Environmental Indexes of (Un)sustainability

5. The ‘Dematerialization’ of Consumption?

6. Carrying Capacity and Neo-Malthusianism

7. Final Remarks on Transdisciplinarity
